Mardi 8 août 14:30-16:00

I.3(2) Adaptation, Sustainability and Climate Change : contribution to the History of Humanity

Room Prestige (Site du XX août)

Coordinator : François Djindjian & J. Kozlowski 

Convening Organization : Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques (UISPP)

 Author Names : François Semah, Pascal Depaepe, Marcel Otte, François Djindjian, J.K. Kozłowski & M. Nowak, D. Gronenborg, L. Oosterbeek, M. Makohonienko, Gilbert Kaenel, Lioudmila Iakovleva.

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II.3  Reconciling diversity and unicity: cultural dialogue and multilinguism on the move. 

Room Noppius (Complexe Opéra)

Coordinator : Richard Delmas 

Convening Organization : SEMANTIS 

 Author Names : Anne-Marie Laulan, Louis Pouzin, Chantal Lebrument, Ghislaine Azemard, Odile Farge, Margaret Dunham, Mohamed  Bendahan, Ismael Benali.

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III.2(1) Thinking Beyond the Crisis – Past experiences and possible Futures of European Policies of Borders 

Room Gothot (Site du XX août)

Coordinator : James Scott 

Convening Organization : The International Geographical Union (IGU)


IV.1(1) Préservation du patrimoine culturel: moteur de dialogues entre tous les acteurs et professionnels du patrimoine dans une dynamique de diversité culturelle 

Room Thiry (Complexe Opéra)

Coordinator : Freddy Joris

Convening Organization : Institut du Patrimoine wallon (IPW), Belgique

Author Names : Michèle Pierre Louis, Arianna Ardesi, Samuel Kidiba, Anne Marie Jouga, Karima Haoudy, Vincent Sedogo, Faïka Béjaoui.

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VI.6 Controversies and Prospects on How to Teach About Religions in the 21st Century: School Outreach from Scholars of Religion. 

Room Professeurs (Site du XX août)

Coordinator : Tim Jensen

Convening Organization : International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR) 

Author Names : Satoko Fujiwara, Leni Franken, Tim Jensen, Wanda Alberts, Jenny Berglund.

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VI.7(2) Youth’s Digital Diversity and the Sharing Economy in the New Era of National Sovereignty

Room Lejeune (Complexe Opéra)

Moderator : Herry Siling Li

Convening Organization : Associate Professor, Dean of International for China, Curtin Univerisity

Author Names : Zhang Xiaoming, Huang Bin, Kai Yang, Daibin.

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VI.8 Towards Global Humanities: The Network ‘Principles of Cultural Dynamics’ as a New Approach to Intercultural Humanities Research and Teaching 

Room Bovy (Complexe Opéra)

Coordinator : Joachim Küpper & Hsiung Ping-Chen

Convening Organization : Asian New Humanities Net (ANHN)

Author Names : PooMC , Liao HH, Huang HY.


S.VI.21 Human surviablity &development 

Room Lumière (Site du XX août)

Saving the Humanity of Humanity Re-Actualizing the Cultivation of Self-Knowledge from the Perspective of World Philosophy 

Convening Organization :Kyoto University

Author name : Marc Henri Deroche 

Humanities, Education, and Culture for a Finite Future

Convening Organization : Kyoto University

Author name : Jeremy Rappleye

How Can Concerned Parties Reach a Solution with Academic Knowledge? 

Convening Organization : Kyoto University

Author name : Kota Futsuki

Survivability as Advanced-Integrated Approach: New Critique and Future Role of Humanities

Convening Organization : Kyoto University

Author name : Taizo Yokoyama

The Women's Education in Bangladesh: A Historical Study 

Convening Organization : Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA)

Author name : Mohammad Golamur Rahman

Education on media and information : an educational and societal challenge of the 21st century

Convening Organization : Projet CLEMI

Author name : Carole Helpiquet